Stephanotis seed pod

maui January 24, 2012


When doing a reading one of the biggest visible occurrences is how much the energy system of the body is involved with thinking. The experience many people are having is completely contained within the mind, and thinking is its method of delivery. Quite often the thinking is often about controlling the experience, or a negatively charged unconscious memory. Even a Reading can be very “heady”. I try to separate the energies of thought, feeling, causal, physical, etheric, and austral from conscious and unconscious, past, future, and present. By doing this you get a good indication of where you are invested in your experience and where you are not.

An entire experience can be thought based and would be reflected back as the experience.  It looks like the good, the bad, and the problems we see before us on earth, as well as the solutions are all in regards to thinking. The problems and solutions seem generated out of thought perceptions, as well as, the need to suppress our negative feelings by projecting them “out there” as the experience. They go hand in hand. Even feelings get thought about in order to have them. The new age philosophies of “you create your reality” looks structured, mind based and thinking addicted. It looks like it plays on a loop of energy within the person’s energy system. A person can be so caught up in “creating their reality”, that they are always doing just that, it is a never ending energy pattern. It doesn’t appear as if YOU create anything, everything already is, you are having an experience. The experience is like a big mirror, always showing you exactly what is going on in you.

Within the experience are the accomplishments humankind has made to better our experience, and most of it is a result of our highly developed ability to think and use our brain. There is an urgency in people’s energy that is obvious. The process of thinking our way to a better life looks like past time. People generally ask a lot of questions about how to consider a very very different way of going about how they have the experience. Life is a growth process and asking questions is a great idea because you get answers. You might not like the answer but at least you asked and put yourself out there enough to consider an alternative to the current experience being mirrored back at you.

Visible Energy

All of this is visible as energy. Each person has their own story to tell regarding the experience. It is visible if thinking is addictive and reflected within the energy system of the person. There is currently a lot of movement away from thought based experience and that also is visible. People seem to be adjusting their conscious and unconscious experience through intention. The momentum of embodied energy systems really does look as if there is a major overhaul going on that is quite visible. The momentum is not so much away from thinking but more about involving higher vibrational abilities alongside the capable mind of humankind. These energy patterns look new and a complete vocabulary is developing to describe them because it’s vibrational. Change is upon all of us in the form of vibration, frequency and tone. Vibration is the energy you give to the experience. It does appear as if it is ALL about giving to the experience, and when you give you receive. Frequency is what you receive as a result of giving. Tone is the circumstances you find yourself in within the experience. These modalities can all be translated into pictures or energy images and looked at to find out information about what is happening within you.

Our  embodiment, is an experience and everything is within you all the time. Nothing appears to be “out there”. I have never ever seen anything clairvoyantly outside of a person’s energy system.  The experience is all that I see really going on, and currently there is a lot of thinking. We think, feel, smell, taste, and hear everything as the experience. All the STUFF in your life as an experience is as real as it gets. In readings, it is apparent that we often try to move the STUFF around like playing a game of chess. What exactly is my best move? Moving the pieces around OUT THERE looks like very slowed down momentum, at a time when momentum organically is quickening. Mainly because there is no OUT THERE, it is all in you.  So where does all the STUFF come from?

It appears as though it originates from within the energy system, and from a source. What is the source? It looks like the source is located within and is like a signal. Being able to take responsibility for your experience looks multidimensional and does not appear to be  just about thinking. This is perhaps how we became so addicted to thinking. We have thought our way through everything always, until we became aware of the NOW. This for us in present time, is a very new way of having an experience.  Perhaps a necessary adjustment in order for us to survive. Thinking is a part of the experience, it is not the total experience. However in the world up until now, everything seems thought based, and necessary for survival and basic living. Our current evolution looks like we take into consideration all that we are and not just think about the experience but BE the experience. This is a radical departure from what we are used to and will require awareness of the authentic self. What is the authentic self?

The authentic self shows up in people’s energy as a part of the experience they are having in the NOW, or present time only. The authentic self uses thinking in combination with ALL of our abilities as embodied beings. In the NOW presence is required in order to access the authentic self, in other words you have to be in your body. Authenticity has been lost for quite some time now and is not a part of our recent past experience. We were busy trying to survive and move out of the 14th century into today’s world. If we continue to project into the experience all the pain and suffering that is past time as OUT THERE it doesn’t look like surviving the experience is a strong possibility. Only in the NOW can we have an experience, otherwise you are just moving pieces around a chess board trying to win at the expense of the experience and often other beings. The connectedness to other beings is a vital factor that I see as very very important to the experience and growth as an embodied being. Everyone, and I mean everyone is searching for unconditional love. It really does look like unconditional love is something you give to yourself first, it then is available to give to others. This takes practice.

Thinking does and did some great things. The mind thought about the experience and ignored the suffering. The world still suffers and as a result only partially benefits from the progress of the thinking complex. Global consciousness has forced “we embodied” to evolve and change. We literally have no choice except to evolve. So despite the circumstances, we stand to gain, not thinking our way out of stuff, but starting to be with the experience. The experience is always changing, and you are change embodied.

Reading people’s energy shows that thinking is contained within the time complex and is addicted to that containment by the ego.  While viewing the experience of the human energy system the ego or false self looks as if it is what supports the time complex. It stands to gain from the structure of time, and the containment has seduced the embodied through ego with thinking. We have to think about everything. We have to think about how we feel. We have to think about what we want to do. We have to think about what will make us happy. We have to think about our pain and suffering. We have to think about the the world issues. We separate the feelings from thinking and have reactions, and are locked into time and the conditions of the time complex. Often the emotion is anger and or rage and we deliver it to another person, animal, plant, or the entire planet Earth. It does look as if all “doing” is currently based in thinking. It also looks as if this condition is shifting.
The question I ask the energy system being viewed is if the experience I see is about DOING or BEING? Right now for most people I encounter in readings it’s a little of both as they have the experience. These people usually have set a present time intention, which can be mental and based solely upon thinking, which is doing. DOING from what I have gathered is done and BEING is the experience NOW. You cannot control how to ”do” this and that is why thinking conflicts as the experience, and seems to act like an addiction. We seem to want to think about how to BE, and this could be like missing the point.

As witnessed in countless readings, time is a dimension, one of many. The space time paradigm we currently experience is four dimensional. Length, width, depth, and time. Time as past, present and future all exist within the four dimensions, at the same time. It often appears as though we are thinking past time into our experience, and we do not know how to think in present time because it is unfamiliar, and past time is not the modality of the NOW. Rarely do I witness absolute presence, in the moment, experiences in readings. Much of our energy systems are locked into the unconscious, by the ego. The future exists as infinite possibility only, and we often confuse the future with our past time unconscious negatively charged feelings and thinking. What I often see is that people bounce between past and future and ignore the present altogether.

The experience of NOW is about your source, and the experience you are having.  To access the NOW you, at times, have to face the fear of pain of the present moment, consciously, and get that this pain is different than past time unconscious pain, and any discomfort is a possibility (future). If you are in fear the energy of the feeling is the experience, consider the future as infinite possibility and in the NOW you begin the journey into that experience not in fear but accepting fear. You, of course, have to heal past time unconscious pain and suffering with acceptance and forgiveness, understanding that it’s a past time experience, and experience the NOW. Your present time pain is your ticket to consciousness and the other dimensions, as is your joy and love. Blocking out pain with medications or booze only takes you longer to heal and be present. Physical pain is mental pain embodied.

YOU are change embodied and that is your ride, and your experience is to grow, and a possibility of the next wave of evolution and experience. Why have this body only to manipulate it and be a slave to the needs of mental construct? Are you addicted to fashion, art, music, entertainment, information, technology, and that is all you THINK about? By trying to figure things out we continuing to invest into the thinking addiction. It can never ever be satisfied, but it can be accepted.

Remember everything is energy including you and the experience. It looks like to survive and flourish depends upon the responsibility of authentic awareness in the present moment.